The Universe Tests Your Integrity as Alignment to Your Higher Self Before Destiny Unfolds

Walking into your destiny is a profound journey, one that is intricately designed to ensure you are in full alignment with your higher self. The Universe, in its infinite wisdom, tests your integrity to ensure that this alignment is true and strong. Understanding integrity as alignment to your higher self transforms how you perceive these tests and challenges. Here’s why these tests are essential and how they prepare you for your destined path.

Integrity: The Alignment to Your Higher Self

Integrity is often seen as honesty and moral principles. However, on a deeper level, integrity is about aligning with your higher self — your true essence and authentic being. It’s about living in harmony with your inner values and the greater purpose of your soul.


The Role of Integrity in Destiny

Before you can step into your destiny, the Universe needs to ensure that you are fully aligned with your higher self. Here’s how the tests of integrity play a pivotal role in this process:

Authentic Alignment: The trials you face help you strip away the layers of societal conditioning and ego, bringing you closer to your true self. Each challenge is an opportunity to act in harmony with your inner values, reinforcing your connection to your higher self.
Vibrational Resonance: Living with integrity elevates your vibrational frequency. The Universe tests your integrity to ensure that your energy resonates with the higher frequencies of your destined path. This alignment attracts the right opportunities and people who resonate with your true essence.
Inner Harmony: When you act with integrity, you create inner harmony and peace. These tests help you understand and embody your higher self, leading to a life that feels true and fulfilling.
Spiritual Growth: The road to destiny is a journey of spiritual growth. Integrity tests challenge you to rise above lower energies and align with higher spiritual truths. This growth is essential for fulfilling your higher purpose.
Divine Trust: By consistently aligning with your higher self, you build trust with the Universe. The Universe needs to know that you can handle the responsibilities of your destiny with grace and integrity. This trust opens doors to greater opportunities and blessings.


Common Tests of Integrity

The Universe has various ways of testing your alignment with your higher self. Here are some common scenarios:

Inner Conflicts: You may face situations where your ego conflicts with your higher self. Choosing to listen to your inner guidance strengthens your alignment.
Moral Dilemmas: Ethical challenges test your commitment to your values. Acting in accordance with your higher self, even when it’s difficult, solidifies your integrity.
Unseen Choices: How you act when no one is watching reveals your true alignment. These moments are crucial for demonstrating your commitment to your higher self.
Adversity: Facing hardships with grace and maintaining your values under pressure are profound tests of integrity. They build your spiritual resilience and strength.

Embracing the Tests

Rather than viewing these tests as obstacles, embrace them as opportunities to deepen your alignment with your higher self. Here are some tips on how to navigate these tests:

Connect with Your Inner Self: Regularly engage in practices like meditation, journaling, or quiet reflection to stay connected with your higher self. This connection will guide you through challenging times.
Live Your Values: Clearly define your core values and let them guide your actions. This consistent alignment reinforces your integrity.
Reflect and Evolve: After each test, reflect on your actions and their alignment with your higher self. Use these reflections to grow and evolve spiritually.
Seek Higher Guidance: Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from spiritual mentors, guides, or your inner wisdom when faced with difficult decisions. Their insights can help you stay aligned.
Practice Self-Love: Be compassionate with yourself. Integrity is a journey, not a destination. Acknowledge your efforts and continue striving to live in alignment with your higher self.


The Universe tests your integrity not to hinder you but to ensure you are in perfect alignment with your higher self. Each test is a step towards deeper authenticity, higher vibrational resonance, and greater spiritual growth. Embrace these tests, stay true to your higher self, and trust that every challenge is shaping you into the person ready to walk into your destiny. Your integrity, as alignment with your higher self, is the key to unlocking your true potential and fulfilling your higher purpose.

Dr. Lundy is here to serve, listen, and act. Let us know how we can serve you!
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Dasha Lundy, Carolyn Lundy, Treasurer.